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Is Your Confidential Business Information At Risk? The Answer Is YES!

April 4th, 2014

If you send emails and you fail to encrypt them, your business is at risk!

Have you:

Sent proposals and quotes as an attachment in email?
Sent login and password information in an email?
Sent your banking information or credit card information through email?
Discussed confidential projects through email?

If you answered YES to these questions, your business is at an IMMEDIATE risk?  You must take action NOW and get a reliable email encryption solution.

6 Tips to Save the Battery Life on Your iPhone with iOS 7

Apple iPhone with iOS 7 offers an extensive amount of features, however, there’s been a lot of complaints about the mobile operating system’s battery life. Here’s 6 ways to keep iOS 7 devices powered for a longer amount of time:

1.     Stop Background Motion

Apple’s iPhone with iOS 7 has a neat feature called Background Motion, which subtly moves your app icons and background image.

6 Tips to Save the Battery Life on Your iPhone with iOS 7

April 3rd, 2014

Apple iPhone with iOS 7 offers an extensive amount of features, however, there’s been a lot of complaints about the mobile operating system’s battery life. Here’s 6 ways to keep iOS 7 devices powered for a longer amount of time:

1.     Stop Background Motion

Apple’s iPhone with iOS 7 has a neat feature called Background Motion, which subtly moves your app icons and background image.

Most Medical Clinics & Healthcare Organization Break This One Cardinal Compliance Rule!

April 3rd, 2014

Working in the Healthcare Industry Requires Email Encryption

If you are working in the Healthcare Industry, you probably already know how important encrypting your emails is. Email is a very important business communication tool in all organizations. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), has complicated implementation options and government security regulations you must oblige by.

Top Secret iPhone Tips and Tricks You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Did you recently switch to an iPhone? Or maybe you’ve used an iPhone for years? Either way, there’s a few hidden tips and tricks to discover! But if you don’t have time to search for them, here’s the best tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your iPhone:

1.     Listen to Your Emails

If you want to listen to your emails, you can simply tell Siri, “read my email,” and she’ll tell you the sender’s name, the subject line, and the date/time of the message before reading the actual message out loud.

Top Secret iPhone Tips and Tricks You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

April 2nd, 2014

Did you recently switch to an iPhone? Or maybe you’ve used an iPhone for years? Either way, there’s a few hidden tips and tricks to discover! But if you don’t have time to search for them, here’s the best tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your iPhone:

1.     Listen to Your Emails

If you want to listen to your emails, you can simply tell Siri, “read my email,” and she’ll tell you the sender’s name, the subject line, and the date/time of the message before reading the actual message out loud.

Protecting Business Information Concerning You? Email Encryption Is One Of The Best And Easiest Ways.

April 1st, 2014

Email Encryption is Essential to Protect Your Confidential Communications.

There’s a few security measures that are commonly thought of as “common sense.” Of course you should download anti-virus software and firewalls! Everybody knows this, right? In all honestly, some people don’t understand the importance of security.

6 Tips and Tricks to Help You Realize the Full Potential of Google Chrome

Google Chrome has become one of the most popular web browsers available. In fact, Chrome even surpasses Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. So what makes Chrome so popular amongst businesses and consumers? For most individuals, the wide variety of built-in features offers an improved user experience compared to other browsers.

6 Tips and Tricks to Help You Realize the Full Potential of Google Chrome

April 1st, 2014

Google Chrome has become one of the most popular web browsers available. In fact, Chrome even surpasses Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. So what makes Chrome so popular amongst businesses and consumers? For most individuals, the wide variety of built-in features offers an improved user experience compared to other browsers.