Can Your Current Technology Company Become a True Trusted Business Advisor?

Many companies are starting to realize the potential of using IT as a business enabler – driving growth and success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. But here’s the thing: you need a technology company that acts as a trusted business advisor – helping you embrace technology to:

Keep employees engaged and monitor performance throughout departments.

Does Your Cyber Security Plan Comply with Industry-Specific Regulations?

Don’t compromise your livelihood by failing to recognize and align with industry standards: do you have a security plan that ensures you’re always secure and compliant?

There are a lot of important decisions to make when it comes to technology; from your provider, to the solutions you use, to whether or not you want to work with the cloud, and so on.

Microsoft is Officially Launching Sway: Should You Be Moved?

Microsoft is adding yet another new application to the Office 365 line-up with the launch of Sway; think of it as an easy-to-use PowerPoint web interface. Sway allows users to create and share interactive reports and presentations. We know that average business and education users rely on PowerPoint as the standard for presentations, but with Sway, perhaps Microsoft is actually trying to move PowerPoint users over to a new tool.

CEOs of $500M Companies Are Terrified of Digital Threats, So Why Aren’t You?

Regardless of the size of your {city} company, your preparation against digital threats is likely not enough to keep your sensitive data safe. Whereas cybercriminals commonly target small companies on the assumption that they will have less effective security measures, even the heads of massive corporations are worried about cybercrime, and rightfully so.

Is Inconsistent or “Bad” Wi-Fi Affecting Your Business?

Internet is an undeniably important part of any business. From email to research to Cloud computing and more, it is a factor in almost every daily task that you and your employees undertake.

So why bother with anything less than the best Wi-Fi connection available to you? If your {city} business is suffering from a bad Wi-Fi set up, it can negatively affect your operation in a number of ways, including:


Why Outsourcing is Better than Hiring Your Own IT Guy can finally hire your own in-house IT person...but wait, are you sure you really want to do that?
Hiring your own IT guy comes with a number of risks. Not only are you likely going to spend more money in the long run, but you’re also not getting the most comprehensive and reliable support that’s available.

Warning! Do NOT Rush to Upgrade Your Computers to Windows 10!

New operating system releases are exciting events.

Companies like Apple and Microsoft roll them out with massive press releases and promotions, so it's easy to get caught up in the hype. However, the fact is that early adoption of new operating systems can be highly detrimental to your computer systems.

What Shocking Risk Are You Taking When You Send Your Kid to School?

Kids Can’t Protect Themselves: 8 Ways to Safeguard Private Student Information…

In this digital age, so much information is sent and received online, made public as a result of things like social media, but in this age of information, privacy can be hard to secure, and when it comes to things like student records, administrators are expected to keep this information private and assure any sensitive data is properly protected.

M is for Marshmallow

All About Android 6.0
Google’s newest sweet treat, or it’s newest version of Android, has only been known by codename -Android M- until now. Considering that every year Google names it’s newest version of Android after a sweet treat, working their way from A to Z, we are not too shocked to hear the name Marshmallow be revealed.