Nobody likes running around, last minute, especially when switching IT companies. It can be a long and tedious process, but once you have everything settled you will be in better shape than you were before. Being prepared is the key to success when switching tech firms – as you don’t want to have setbacks along the way.
Infographic: Is Your Business Ready To Switch Out IT Companies? Read this first!
Are Your Online Accounts Putting You in Serious Danger?
Creating a username or giving a website your e-mail seems like common practice at this point in the internet age. Online games, company newsletters, downloads, shopping offers, and message boards – nearly everything now requires us to log in and provide a password, e-mail, or even other sensitive information.
2014: The Year of the Cyber Attack! Follow Through on These 15 Powerful Business Resolutions to Master the Art of Protecting Your Data in 2015!
Home Depot, PF Chang’s, Kmart, and the law firm down the street that never made the news. We saw a lot of big corporations struggle to retain market share and customer loyalty in the aftermath of some pretty serious data breaches. Many businesses believe something like this will NEVER happen to them, but this couldn’t be further from the truth!
In fact, cybercriminals and hackers are zeroing in on businesses like yours EVERY DAY. Why? Many of those businesses simply have a common lack of security and they’re easy pickings for those looking for easy prey.
Is Your IT Provider Holding Back? 8 Cybersecurity Challenges They’re Not Willing to Tell You
Dealing with the constantly evolving world of information technology can be tricky – and finding someone honest to supply you business’s IT can be even harder. With new developments and rapidly changing advancements always around the corner, it’s hard to know exactly what questions you should be asking when searching for an IT provider.
Warning: New POODLE Bug Presents MAJOR Network Security Risk!
You might be familiar with bugs known as Heartbleed and Shellshock – now businesses must be made aware of a new bug called POODLE. While it may sound harmless due to its somewhat inane name, POODLE actually presents a major risk to your company’s web security.
Infographic: Windows Server 2003, Support Ends July 14, 2015
Have You Eaten at Chick-fil-A Recently? Better Start Watching Your Credit or Debit Card Activity!
Looks Like the Trend of Data Breaches Will Be Following Us Into 2015!
It seems like 2014 was the year of the data breach, doesn’t it? From Target to Home Depot to Michaels, retailers all over the world were stuck struggling in the aftermath of data breaches.
4 Signs to Help You Recognize Aging Technology That Slows Your Business Down
Information technology is evolving at “light speed.” How are you supposed to keep up with it? You have enough to do running your business!
{company} can help. We’ll ensure your technology is up-to-date, supports your operations and goals, and provides the ROI you deserve.
3 Secrets ISPs Won’t Tell You About Slow Internet Connections.
Are you constantly contacting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) because your connection speeds are slow? You may think it’s their fault, but in reality, it could be due to your network hardware.
Your network relies on many moving parts to function properly: routers, servers, desktop and laptop computers, mobile devices, network-attached storage systems (NAS), and more.
The 5 Technology Secrets Your Current IT Company Isn’t Sharing With You.
What secrets are we talking about? —And why would your current IT Company be keeping these secrets from you? Read on to learn more:
You’re paying too much for IT support. Unless you have a Service Level Agreement from your IT provider that guarantees unlimited tech support for a fixed, monthly fee, then you’re paying too much for IT support.