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As A Legal Professional, The Cloud Provides You Competitive Advantages You’ve Never Had Before

January 8th, 2014

You may have heard that cloud computing provides the ability to compete on a new level.  And compete you must.  The legal profession, just like others, is looking for new ways to compete. You must keep up with your peers in order to survive, and by embracing technology you can gain a competitive edge.

LESSONS LEARNED: Ensure your productivity is “hot” when the temperatures are freezing.

January 7th, 2014

Doors to businesses are locked shut, and the “Open” sign is turned to “Closed” due to the dangerous cold sweeping the U.S.  These businesses are losing thousands of dollars each day that they remain closed, and some are losing customers to the competition and will never get them back again.

Protect Your Law Firm’s Confidential Data With An iPad Security Policy.

January 7th, 2014

When the iPad was released it was used as a content consumption device, suitable for playing games, surfing the web, or watching videos. Now, many attorneys are using the iPad as a productivity tool to take notes, or to review and store case files. However, when using an iPad, data security must be considered.

Technology Improves Access To Information But Also Increases Competition In The Real Estate Industry

January 3rd, 2014

New technologies have improved the way business is done in the real estate industry, — for both consumers and agents. Technology provides ready access to information for consumers, such as listings, prices, neighborhood demographics, and mortgage rates, both locally and nationally.