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Keylogging and HIPAA Breaches.  What’s Hiding In Your Computers?

May 27th, 2014

The University of California, Irvine Student Health Center has been the victim of a HIPAA breach.  Nearly 2,000 pieces of PHI (protected health information), including financial data, were stolen via a keylogger attack.  The keylogger collected this information for over a period of a month before being discovered.

What happens when you search the words “Search Engine Optimization”? You receive about 25,800,000 results. Those are impressive results for only three words.

May 24th, 2014

SEO is one of the most popular topics when it comes to online marketing in the modern age. The online world is fast and ruthless. If you’re not willing to adapt then your business, whether it’s small or large, will be punished. Google algorithms have shaken-up the playing field and imposed two key updates: Panda, affecting low-quality content—and Penguin, affecting sites involved in link-building schemes.

Your Small Business Is A Prime Target For Cyber Crime. 8 Steps You Should Take To Increase Your Security.

May 20th, 2014

When looking for a victim, cyber criminals will go after small businesses that lack security controls. Hackers don’t want to go after the big companies that have layers of security in place — They want the easy targets. Unfortunately if you don’t have the proper security solutions in place, your small business is an easy target.

New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center: Is Your Technology HIPAA Compliant? If Not, HHS Wants You To Pay Up.

May 19th, 2014

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proven that they’re serious about HIPAA infractions.  They recently imposed the largest monetary fines for HIPAA noncompliance on two well-known New York City institutions — New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center.

If You’re Still Using Antivirus Software, You’re Risking Your Data, Your Business, and Wasting Your Money!

May 14th, 2014

Security software giant, Symantec, recently admitted that their antivirus software is no longer effective against today’s sophisticated cyber threats.  Antivirus software on your desktop is still required, but your business must have a complete network security protection plan deployed and monitored every minute of the day.

Want to Boost Your Sales and Revenue? Here’s 4 Incredibly Simple Yet Compelling Email Marketing Tips to Entice Prospects and Customers!

May 13th, 2014

Email marketing is a reliable tool for small businesses to boost their bottom lines. In fact, the average return on investment is surprisingly high – about $40 for every dollar spent! If that’s not enough to convince you, consider the average Internet user who engages with 11.8 brands through email but only 9.4 brands through Facebook.

The Long-Awaited iPhone 6 Will Be Here Sooner Than You Think – Here’s What You Can Expect!

May 12th, 2014

While the iPhone 5S is less than six months old, there’s been a lot of rumors about its replacement. And if previous versions are any indication, the replacement will be called the iPhone 6 – and it’s expected to be up to $100 more expensive than previous versions.